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How to Cultivate Straw Mushrooms and Its Benefits

Who of you here are very fond of even being a vegetable lover? So, what vegetables do you like? If you claim to be a vegetable lover, then you are already very familiar with mushroom-type vegetables. Like, you know that there are many types of mushrooms scattered in the world, but not all types of mushrooms can be consumed by humans!

There are several types of mushrooms that should not be consumed and will instead become toxic if consumed, but you certainly don't need to worry because there are also mushrooms that can be consumed and will instead provide various benefits when consumed, one of which is a mushroom with the type of mushroom.

Mushroom itself is one type of mushroom consumption that is very popular in Indonesia. Because it is a favorite of the Indonesian people, mushroom cultivation is very, very crowded in Indonesia.

Due to its very good taste, straw mushrooms are also very easy to be processed into various types of food, such as being processed into Pepes, soup, sauteed mushroom, and sometimes as a complement to capcay dishes.

Sometimes it is difficult for you to find edible mushrooms in nearby markets because maybe the market is experiencing a shortage of mushroom stocks. But you don't need to worry, what if you start cultivating your own mushroom in your home?

Mushroom cultivation is known to be very easy, besides that you can also sell it and increase your savings little by little too! Wouldn't that be a very valuable opportunity?

If you are interested in cultivating your own mushroom at home, you can make it a side business which of course will be very profitable for you.

Well, this is perfect, in this article we will invite you to find out what edible mushrooms are, the benefits of the content contained in straw mushrooms, how to cultivate straw mushrooms and what benefits are obtained from mushroom cultivation.
There is no need to procrastinate any longer, here we will explain all the explanations about edible mushrooms that you need to know before starting to cultivate your own edible mushrooms in your home.

What Are Straw Mushrooms?
Before knowing about edible mushrooms, we will first introduce what is the meaning of food mushrooms or consumption mushrooms themselves? Food mushrooms or consumption mushrooms is one of the names for various types of mushrooms that can generally be consumed or used as food ingredients, are safe to eat, have a good taste when eaten, and are the result of harvesting or cultivation that comes from the wild using harvesting techniques or unknown cultivation.

After knowing the definition or understanding of food mushrooms, then we will explain what is edible mushroom? Straw mushroom is one of the many types of edible mushrooms or consumption mushrooms that bears the scientific name, namely Volvariella volvacea. Straw mushroom is one of the most widely cultivated mushrooms on the Asian continent, including Indonesia. For the State of Indonesia itself, it is called by the name of straw mushroom, the term straw mushroom itself was created because the mushrooms are usually cultivated on straw media or can also be called straw.

The edible mushroom has characteristics that are quite common to most types of mushrooms, such as the edible mushroom has a round shape that tends to be asymmetrical, the diameter of the edible mushroom is about 5 cm to 14 cm. Mushrooms have a dry surface texture and brown to slightly gray brown, edible mushrooms have a protective sheath. The blades of the edible mushroom tend to be rather wide and dense, and white when they are young, when they grow into adult spores, the white color will turn pink.

Just like mushroom plants belonging to the Pluteaceae family, edible mushrooms also have a way of reproducing by producing very small or micro-sized spores. Then the spores will germinate and form something called hyphae. After that, the adi hyphae will gather and form a clump that was small, over time it will enlarge and form a stadia fruiting body with small buttons until it becomes an egg stage. Well, this egg stage will be taken or harvested and then consumed. The taste of this harvested egg stage will be very delicious when it is mixed and matched with various types of spices that are right and right.

What are the Benefits of Mushrooms?

After knowing various types of information about the meaning and description of edible mushrooms, it will be very less suitable if you do not know about what are the benefits of one of the many types of mushrooms that can be consumed.

As you already know that the mushroom has a very delicious taste with various types of nutritional content contained in it. In 100 grams of mushroom itself has several types of content such as protein substances of 5.94%, carbohydrates of 0.59%, fat content of 0.17%, fiber content of 1.56%, iron of 1.9 mg, 17 mg of phosphorus, 0.15 mg of vitamin B-2, 12.40 mg of vitamin C, and various mineral substances (extra folic acid, copper, and potassium). Here we will explain some of the benefits of consuming straw mushrooms.

1. Help prevent the growth of cancer cells

The first benefit obtained from regularly consuming edible mushrooms is that it can help prevent plants and even the growth of cancer cells in your body, the most important cancer cell growth that can be prevented is the growth of prostate cancer cells and breast cancer cells. Why is that? This can occur due to the content of beta-glucan and linoleic acid in the edible mushroom which has an effect called a carcinogenic effect. Linoleic acid is able to suppress the effects of excessive estrogen hormone that can cause breast cancer to grow in humans. Meanwhile, the beta-glucan content in straw mushrooms can suppress the growth of prostate cancer cells in the human body.

2. Help reduce the risk of heart disease

Heart disease is triggered by an excessive increase in cholesterol in the human body. Mushrooms are known to help reduce the risk of heart disease because they have a role in fighting all forms of bad fats which are the main cause of rising cholesterol in human blood.

3. Helps prevent free radicals

Who didn't know that mushrooms can also help prevent the accumulation of free radicals in the human body. Why did it happen? That's because the mushroom contains selenium which has very useful uses for the human body, which can help prevent the large pile of free radicals in the human body. Do you know what free radicals look like? The forms of free radicals themselves are very diverse, ranging from pollution smoke, liquor, various types of foods that contain bad fats, as well as radiation that is fatal to the body.

4. Recommended for diabetics

Mushroom is one type of mushroom that has long been believed to be very good for consumption by people who suffer from diabetes. That's because the mushroom itself contains insulin which is classified as natural insulin which is very good for consumption by diabetics. In addition, edible mushrooms are also very useful for improving the function of the liver, pancreas, and other endocrine glands. Mushrooms are also very good at forming insulin with the right amount and not excessive.

5. Helps strengthen bones

In addition to containing very good content, mushroom also contains a known high content of calcium. In addition to calcium, straw mushrooms also contain a high content of Vitamin D as well. Due to these two ingredients, making mushroom has excellent benefits for helping growth and strengthening human bones.

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