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Begonias that are suitable for room decoration

Do you have ornamental plants in your house that are being planted and cared for? Caring for and caring for plants can indeed be said to be a new hobby for some people because it is to fill their spare time and there are also those who resell them.

There are so many ornamental plants in Indonesia, so everyone will choose the type of ornamental plant he likes and fits when placed in the house or yard. In fact, not a few people who only collect one type of ornamental plant.

If you have decided to plant and care for ornamental plants at home, you should not forget to take good care so that the ornamental plants do not wilt easily and do not die quickly. In general, the treatment for ornamental plants is carried out in the morning and evening, but there are also those who do it at night because the afternoon is still busy.

However, there are some types of plants that should only be done in the morning because they do not require too much water, such as succulents. Therefore, when planting and caring for ornamental plants, you must first look at the type of ornamental plant itself.

Almost all types of ornamental plants can be planted in pots or in the yard of the house depending on the type of ornamental plants that will be planted and cared for, whether they are more suitable for planting in pots or in the yard of the house. There are also ornamental plants that are known for their beautiful leaf patterns, some have beautiful flower shapes and colors, and some have beautiful leaves and flowers in one ornamental plant.

Indeed, there are many ornamental plants in Indonesia, so it is not surprising that many people are confused about choosing ornamental plants that are suitable to be planted and cared for at home. Are you still confused about which ornamental plants are suitable to be planted and cared for at home?

One type of ornamental plant whose care is not so difficult and the leaves and flowers are also ornamental begonias and can be cared for in the house or yard.

This begonia ornamental plant belongs to the Begoniaceae family of plants. Begonia ornamental plants have many types, so you can choose them according to what you like. So that it is easier for you to choose begonia ornamental plants, below will explain more about the types of begonia ornamental plants.

Grameds, you can listen to this article until the end so you can find suitable begonia ornamental plants.

Begonia Ornamental Plants
Before discussing the types of begonia ornamental plants, what will be discussed first is what begonia ornamental plants are. Begonia, which is now becoming known as an ornamental plant that can be grown indoors or outdoors, was first discovered in areas with a subtropical climate.

You can find this subtropical climate on several continents, such as America, Africa, and Asia. Therefore, begonia ornamental plants in Indonesia can be said to be the result of cultivation.

This begonia plant is known for its beautiful flowers and leaves. There are those whose leaves are more beautiful than the flowers, there are those whose flowers are more beautiful than the leaves, and there are also those whose leaves and flowers are just as beautiful.

Moreover, the color of the leaves or flowers of this begonia can make the eyes of ornamental plant lovers interested in seeing it longer, usually the color of the flowers, such as yellow, white, pink, or red. While the color of begonia leaves is usually purple, red, green, gray, or sometimes there are types consisting of a combination of colors.

However, in Indonesia the beautiful leaves on begonias are more commonly found in ornamental plant shops, ranging from finger shapes, such as trumpets, ovals, and others, which are very dependent on the type. Whatever the shape of the leaves will not reduce the beauty of begonia ornamental plants.

This begonia plant really likes a slightly more humid air temperature so that it can grow optimally. Therefore, do not let begonias too often exposed to sunlight. However, in some types of begonias, some require more light than other begonias. For watering you can do it in the morning or evening and need to pay attention to weather conditions.

Meanwhile, to add nutrients to begonia ornamental plants, you can do this by giving fertilizer regularly. It would be nice, giving this fertilizer every 3 months so that the begonia plants do not lack nutrients and do not have excess nutrients.

Types of Begonia Plants
Grameds, you can listen to the following types of begonia ornamental plants:

1. Cane Begonia

The first ornamental plant is the cane begonia which is very well known for its shape that is almost similar to a bamboo tree. However, if the bamboo tree trunk is very large and strong, it is different from this type of begonia ornamental plant which is smaller and thinner, so it is very suitable to be used as an ornamental plant in the house.

This type of begonia can be regarded as an ornamental begonia plant that does not have flowers, but still has quite beautiful leaf patterns. The leaf pattern of begonia cane begonia is a combination of green and gray. The color combination forms a circle, so it is not uncommon for people to call it a polka dot begonia.

2. Rex Begonia

The second begonia ornamental plant is the rex begonia. This type of begonia ornamental plant belongs to a type that does not have flowers. Although there are no flowers in this type of begonia, it is very famous for the beauty of its leaves which have a color combination of purple and silver. Therefore, not a few people who like rex begonia. This type of begonia is more beautiful because the color of the stem has a slightly reddish color.

If you want to plant and care for this type of begonia, the method is quite easy because it does not require too much sunlight, so it can be planted indoors or at home. The light needed by rex begonias can be obtained through fluorescent lights, so you can see them at night.

Rex begonias are often referred to as painted leaf begonias. The combination of colors on the leaves is beautiful, the lighting is not so difficult, so this type of begonia is very suitable to be used as a room or home decoration.

3. Wax Begonias

The next type of begonia ornamental plant is wax begonia which is very well known for its leaves that look like they have been coated with wax, so many people call them wax begonias. It turns out that this type of begonia plant has another name, namely semperflorens. Although the color of the leaves of this type of begonia is usually dark, but it does not reduce its beauty, the wax begonia plant is perfect for those of you who like dark colors.

The leaves of wax begonias are round or circular in shape and can grow so much that they surround the flowers of this type of begonia. For those of you who plant and care for this type of begonia ornamental plant, you can say you are very lucky because in addition to being able to see the beautiful leaves, you can also see the beautiful flowers. The flowers of wax begonias are not too big, but that's where their beauty lies.

In general, the flowers on wax begonias are pink. The combination of dark leaves and bright flower colors makes this type of begonia favored by many people, maybe you also like wax begonias.

4. Double Begonias

If you like to see ornamental begonias with flowers similar to roses and want to take care of them, then the double begonia ornamental plant is perfect for you. The flower petals of the double begonia are very dense and large, so that from a distance it will look beautiful. The dense and large petals are what make double begonias resemble roses.

Double begonias are very suitable to be planted and cared for in the yard, especially if planted in large quantities, your yard will look even more beautiful. Among ornamental plant lovers, this type of begonia is already quite popular, so when you look for it it is not so difficult. The growth of double begonia can be said to be able to grow upright, so many people prefer to plant and care for it in the yard.

The uniqueness of this type of begonia lies not only in the flowers, but in the leaves as well. The leaves on the double begonia are no less attractive than the flowers, surrounding flowers that are slightly green in color.

5. Rhizomatous Begonia

As previously explained, some begonia ornamental plants are known for their beautiful leaves and some are known for their beautiful flowers. For ornamental plants, this rhizomatous begonia is better known for its beautiful leaves. Not only is there a color, but the shape of this type of begonia is also beautiful, so many people like this type of begonia, maybe you already have it.

Rhizomatous begonia has another name, namely begonia non rex. The leaves of this type of begonia are quite wide, even the whole body can be covered with leaves. This type of begonia is more interesting to look at because there are quite large flowers. The existence of beautiful leaves and flowers on one plant is the main attraction for lovers of ornamental plants.

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